My Circus

It’s amazing how fast things can change. If you blink, you might miss it. Or you might be too focused on other’s issues and situations that you miss something miraculous in your own life.
I used to get caught up in other’s problems and focus on the negative but after my brush with death last year I’m really learning to put things in perspective. I’m focusing more on what is going on in my immediate life and less on my peripheral life. Surprisingly my stress is less and blessings are becoming more abundant.
We are becoming a world of changing our focus on more important things, like ourselves, and focusing more on other people’s lives. Whether it’s jealousy, trying to fix someone else’s problems, curiosity, anger, a sense of superiority over others, it tends to lead us down the wrong road and off of our path of blessings and abundance. It’s so easy to jump to the defense of the victim or weaker person but what we haven’t learned is that things that you read, watch and see on television and the internet is edited, twisted and filtered. All people have an agenda. All of us do and it’s not a bad thing. It’s how we use our agendas that can cause problems or do harm to others.
I won’t lie; it was super easy to get caught up in all of the drama that the media has been trumping up the past few years. I became angry at everyone and everything that didn’t agree with me. I jumped to conclusions and mentally tried and condemned those whose agendas didn’t line up with mine. Low and behold, my anger took over my life, I looked at everyone suspiciously and wondered what they truly wanted and my blessings and miracles started disappearing. My family noticed the change in my personality and I knew I was unhappy all of the time. Change had to happen and it started with me.
I stopped watching and reading the news, I eliminated quite a few people off of my social media pages; I began to meditate on the beautiful things in my life instead of watching everyone else’s lives. I created tunnel vision goggles and what I focused on had rainbows and unicorns. The blessings and miracles began to appear again and I am much happier than what I was.
Do I slip? Heck yes. Different worldly situations come up that I don’t agree with and recently I had someone who I considered a friend hurt me very badly. I was filled with anger and hurt and I wallowed and focused on that for a couple of days. Low and behold my rainbows disappeared. I pulled my big girl panties up, let the situation go and concentrated back on my own life, my own circus, my own monkeys. My rainbows are coming back and my unicorns are grazing happily in my field.
It’s interesting to note that the happier I am, the less misery I see and am exposed to. I’m able to smile at strangers more and spread kindness just outside my bubble. The happier I am, the larger my bubble grows and the more I’m able to spread the kindness. Go figure.
Remember, life is meant to be fun; enjoy the journey…YOUR journey and don’t worry the path another is taking.IMG_3604

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